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Welcome to Seal and Scroll
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As you step into this website, know that you are entering a space dedicated to proclaiming the truth of God's Word and the unfolding of His eternal plan. The Seal and Scroll website has been birthed under divine conviction and a deep burden to sound the alarm: the seven seals of the scroll in the Apocalypse have begun to be opened by the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. As of now, four seals have been loosed, and their effects are cascading through the world, touching every nation and every individual, for the events of Revelation are universal in their scope and consequence.
How Can We Know the Seals Have Been Opened?
The certainty of the seals' opening is rooted in Scripture, history, and the discernment granted by the Holy Spirit. Revelation 6 details the breaking of these seals, each unleashing events that reverberate globally. Through prayerful study and application of prophetic insights, the alignment of world events with these biblical descriptions becomes unmistakable. Key to understanding the convergence of the scriptures with observed history is the notion of "universality." In the ancient world, the types of occurences described in Revelation 5 would have been experienced as local or regional phenomeon. Wars happened in a localised manner. Sure, there may have been several random wars happening across the world at the same time--but for the most part their consequences were entirely local and were not part of a broader universal/global theme. A war fought by the Inca or the Zulu or the Romans was entirely isolated. In comparison the effects of the seals being opened affect all humanity and are broadly experienced by all humanity as part of a common theme that everyone is aware of and participating in. What happened in Rome at its height had no bearing on what happened in New Zealand. In contrast, the effects of world war 2 were global; and the consequences thereof (e.g. UN system) have been experienced universally by all nations. This was unprecedented. It also leads me to the point of precedent--the breaking of the seals leads to global changes of unprecedented magnitude.
Identifying whether seals have been opened is an exercise in matching the description of the effects of the seals with historical phenomenon that (a) were experienced universally--with all nations experiencing these effects and communicating that participation in real time (b) and establishing the ways in which these observed phenomenon were/are unprecedented.
Revelation 4:1
After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.”
In Revelation 4:1, John was called up into heaven (in the spirit) and told that he would be shown "what must yet take place after this." It is very clear that what John saw was in the future. Some theologians take this verse to mean that the Church will be raptured before the seals are opened. That is not the case. John alone was called up in the manner he was and he recorded his experience. We can not take his experience of being called up to mean that he was raptured or we will too before the seals. Quite the contrary. Even he says the following:
Revelation 4:1
At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it.
His experience was in the spirit, it was a vision. His body remained on earth whilst his consciousness, his spirit was in heaven perceiving future events. My point is that Christians will be on earth when the seals are being broken. Specifically seals 1-5; they will only be raptured when seal 6 is broken; and will be in heaven to witness seal 7 being broken--after which the trumpet judgements will commence. This means we will be on earth to experience war and disease that will take a fourth of the planet, we will be on earth to experience an increase in hatred of the Church and the consequent persecution that will result from that. This experience will be a very challenging time and will call for endurance. Those who fail to endure will be left behind; separated from the sheep when they are called into the sheepfold and the gate is closed. They will be like the unwise virgins who were left outside. The tribulation those left behind will have to endure will be greater. The extent of the deception they will have to fight with truth will be greater. I am here to warn you about this so that you face what is coming with courage and faith, and thus find glory. In the event that you dismiss this and face the tribulation that will come after--be strong and keep the faith to the end; God will remain faithful--be faithful until death and you will have your reward when the Lord returns and resurrects you.
Revelation 6:1
I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.
The First Seal depicts a rider on a white horse, symbolizing a period of conquest through diplomacy and deception. The rider carries a bow but no arrows, signifying a conquest achieved without overt violence, a reality reflected in the rise of global powers through treaties, alliances, and political influence post-World War II. For the first time in the world's history--a tightly coordinated alliance of countries (the West) established a global order based on international law, international/multilateral institutions (UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, etc), and acting in a manner that assumes the role of "global leader" (speaks to the crown on the rider). This universal dynamic of conquering globally highlights the subtlety and breadth of the First Seal’s impact. One of the enduring legacies of the institutions created after this seal was opened--is the establishement of the nation of Israel. In November 1947, the UN via the General Assembly instituted Resolution 181 which established the basis for the creation of the State of Israel. This was unprecedented for a number of reasons; (1) never had a nation been created in this manner--essentially born out of the coordinated will of the assembled nations of the world (2) never had a nation in effective exile for almost 2 millennia been returned to their ancestral land from across the world (3) re-established their ancestral language (4) and in a manner described millennia ago by the prophets of their ancestral faith. The creation of the State of Israel in Canaan in the mid 20th Century indicated that the world was once again living in a zone of prophetic significance; at the very end of the age when the rest of the end-times prophecy regarding Israel would soon begin to be fulfilled. The opening of the first seal in the scroll of the apocalypse; placed humanity within the timeline of the revealing of the Son of God. Every seal opened thereafter is a birth pang leading to the birth of the assembly of the first born--and the time of judgement for Israel and the world.
The Second Seal, the rider on a red horse, signifies the removal of peace—evidenced by the intensification of globalized wars and conflicts such as the Global War on Terror. Around the year 2000, the second intifada was sparked by Ariel Sharon visiting the temple mount. In the immediate aftermath of that, in the next year--Bin Laden orchestrated 9/11, creating the world's worst terror related event. The resulting war on Terror resulted in two large-scale wars; the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan; in addition to a worldwide war against terror, which included global surveillance and security aparatus; as well as anti-terrorism actions by governments across the world. This cut across all nations. This was unprecedented.
The Third Seal, a black horse, unveils economic imbalance, a reality underscored by economic reality after the global financial crisis of 2008/2009; specifically the bifurcation of the global economic system across two planes--those who could implement quantitative easing. This unparalleled era of history with zero or even negative interest rate environments enabled the rich world to remain wealthy--or even enable unparalleled wealth creation for the very rich, whilst poor countries without the capabilities to implement such generous monetary policy instead faced waves of currency devaluations and inflation that made food and commodities expensive. The most immediate effect of which was the Arab Spring that toppled several leaders across the South and Eastern Mediterranean. Nothwithstanding the geopolitical consequences in the Arab world--the consequences of that seal were global; with poor countries across the world remaining affected by this.
The Fourth Seal, a pale horse, reveals death and pestilence, which we see in the global pandemics and systemic violence of recent years; most immediately with the Covid-19 Pandemic; which was the first time the world had coordinated a global pandemic in real time. The emergence of war in Europe in the aftermath of this pandemic speaks to the beginning of new tensions that have the potential to be disastrous for the world. The war in Ukraine, tensions in the Taiwanese straights, and between Israel and Iran all bear signifcant potential to snowball in the manner described of seal 4. This is where we are at in history. Seal 4 has been opened, but its full effects are yet to be made manifest. The spectre of global war and pandemic looms large on the earth.
Revelation 6:8
I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
The fifth seal is yet to be opened; however one can expect that when the full effect of seal 4 as described above is felt; that level of human loss will lead to the hearts of people growing very cold. The consequence of that would naturally be persecution of those who believe. Which is what seal 5 describes:
Revelation 6:9
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained.
The Sixth Seal, yet to be fully opened, demonstrates the universal and cosmic consequences of these events, shaking not just the earth but the heavens themselves (Revelation 6:12-17). The rapture of the Church will have cosmic effects. When the Lord Jesus died, the sun was darkened, there was an earth quake, and some dead people rose-up. The resurrection and calling up of his church will likewise have physical after-effects. The leaders of the world will be scared by what they observe. This event will mark the beginning of the Day of the LORD. With the Church in heaven, God will initiate judgement on the nations; and the prophetic voice will return to Israel; with the two witnesses immediately called to prophecy.
I know this is a lot. Accepting what I've said requires a leap of faith. If the fourth seal was opened around the time just before the Covid-19 pandemic occured, that would put us almost 5 years after that event (as of 27 December 2024); which means the full effect of that seal is imminent; and seal 5 and 6 soon after. This means the rapture will come soon, and thereafter the Day of the LORD. We are talking about a few years here; not decades. Seals 2, 3 and 4 have all been opened within the last 23/24 years; thats an average of 8 years between each seal (not counting seal 1). Thats not a lot of time. We must be ready.
Testing this understanding requires submission to biblical revelation and acknowledgment of God’s sovereign control over history. The Berean method (Acts 17:11)—examining Scripture daily to verify all things—must guide our discernment. Patterns in history, statistical analysis, and alignment with prophecy testify to the seals' opening, reinforcing the trustworthiness of God’s Word.
What This Means for the World and for Christians
The breaking of these seals is not a random occurrence but the deliberate unveiling of God's redemptive plan. For the world, it means the intensification of judgments, the exposure of human rebellion, and the approach of the ultimate Day of the Lord. These events, universal in their scope, affect all nations and peoples, leaving no one untouched by their consequences. For Christians, it is a call to vigilance, endurance, and unwavering faith. The opening of these seals signifies that the end of this age is near and that the time of testing foretold in Scripture is upon us. Yet, this is not a message of despair but of hope. For beyond the tribulations lies the glorious return of Christ, the establishment of His Kingdom, and the fulfilment of all His promises.
The Conviction Behind This Website
This website exists because of a divine burden to ready God’s people for the challenges ahead and to prepare hearts for the glory awaiting us on the other side of tribulation. It is a solemn commission to warn, teach, and demonstrate the trustworthiness of God's Word. Through careful exposition of Scripture, prophetic insight, and Christ-centered teaching, my aim is to equip believers to stand firm, rooted in the unshakable foundation of God's truth.
The Testimony of Jesus: The Spirit of Prophecy
The gifts of prophecy and teaching have been given to the Church to establish and continue the testimony of Jesus Christ. As Revelation 19:10 declares, “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” All prophetic insights shared on this platform are offered solely to magnify Christ and to contribute to the edification of His Church. These messages are delivered under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and always in submission to the authority of Scripture.
Prophecy is not an end in itself but a means to glorify Jesus, who is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging, and comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:3). In this spirit, the words shared here aim to strengthen weary souls, encourage steadfastness, and comfort those longing for the blessed hope of Christ’s appearing.
A Time of Testing and Patient Hope
We are living in the very last days, at the very end of this age. The time of testing foretold in Scripture is rapidly approaching. This website has been established to encourage God’s people to keep the faith, to maintain our patient hope, and to prepare for the return of our King.
As the seals continue to be opened, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Let us press on with the endurance of saints, knowing that though the night grows darker, the dawn of His glorious reign is near.
Welcome to Seal and Scroll. May the Lord bless you and keep you as we walk together through these prophetic times, anchored in His Word and abounding in His hope.