An epistle on modern Israel and the Church

An epistle on modern Israel and the Church

The Epistle of the Watchman to the Church Regarding Unconditional Support for Israel

To the Church of the Living God, to those who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth, grace and peace be multiplied. I, the Watchman, write to you concerning a grave matter: the unconditional political support for the modern State of Israel, which, though rooted in a sincere love for God’s covenant people, has led to a misalignment of the Church’s witness and calling.

I. Israel’s Covenant and Its Continued Transgression
The Lord established His covenant with Israel, calling them a people set apart to be holy, obedient to His law, and faithful to His promises. Yet the prophets cried out against Israel for breaking this covenant, and the Lord Himself declared:

“All the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted” (Ezekiel 3:7).

The nation of Israel, though miraculously regathered in the land, persists in rebellion against the Holy One of Israel. It remains in a state of covenant-breaking, refusing to uphold the Torah as the law of the land, rejecting the commands of God, and turning to secular governance under Basic Law, which does not recognize the sovereignty of God’s statutes. The Haredi Orthodox, though understanding the abomination of secular governance, still err in rejecting Yeshua, the cornerstone.

II. The Secular State and Its Departure from Torah
It is written:

“The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; he will save us” (Isaiah 33:22).

But Israel does not acknowledge the Lord as its judge, lawgiver, or king. The government of Israel is not structured upon the Torah but upon Basic Law, a secular legal construct devoid of divine authority. While the land is holy by God’s decree, the nation itself has not yet submitted to the rule of the Lord. It stands in defiance, legislating according to the wisdom of men rather than the wisdom of God. Even the most devout among them, who revere the Torah, are blinded to the greater revelation: that the law was always pointing to Messiah Yeshua, the true fulfillment of God’s covenant.

III. The Rejection of Yeshua: The Great Transgression
The Scripture testifies:

“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42).

It is the gravest of errors to seek God’s favor while rejecting His Son. No covenant renewal, no restoration, no act of devotion can replace the necessity of faith in Yeshua. Israel’s continued rejection of the Son of David keeps them in darkness. The prophets warned that there is no salvation apart from the Lord, yet they look for another deliverer, one who will come in his own name (John 5:43).

IV. Christian Charity and the Limits of Political Allegiance
The Church has rightly sought the good of Israel. Paul himself longed for their salvation and affirmed that the Gentiles, grafted into the promises, should not boast but should provoke Israel to jealousy (Romans 11:11). Christian support for Jewish aliyah in the 20th century was noble and aligned with God’s prophetic restoration of the people to the land. Providing for infrastructure, welfare, and well-being was in keeping with the love of Christ.

However, where the Church has erred is in giving unconditional political and military support, endorsing acts of war without discernment. The apostles, while acknowledging the role of Jewish identity and law, never sanctioned violence in the name of the covenant. Rather, they upheld the law of Christ, which commands that we love even our enemies (Matthew 5:44). While Israel has a right to self-defense as a nation among the nations, the Church must never blindly support military aggression as though it is inherently holy or sanctioned by God.

V. The Church’s Witness Must Be Consistent
If we truly love Israel, we must tell them the truth. The apostles maintained that Jewish believers were to keep the Torah, while Gentile believers were required to follow the laws given to Noah—abstaining from idolatry, blood, strangled meat, and sexual immorality (Acts 15:19-21). Yet, both were called to uphold the law of the Spirit—to be holy as God is holy (Romans 8:2; 1 Peter 1:16).

Today, Israel as a nation does not walk in the law of Moses, nor does it walk in the law of Christ. How then can the Church claim that supporting its every action is righteousness? Is it not written?

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6).

It is not love to affirm Israel’s sin. It is not friendship to enable rebellion against God. If we truly love Israel, we must not offer unconditional approval but prophetic warning. We must not be as the false prophets who cried, “Peace, peace,” when there was no peace (Jeremiah 6:14).

VI. The True Calling of the Church Toward Israel
The Church’s duty is clear:

  1. Pray for Israel’s salvation (Romans 10:1).
  2. Preach the Gospel boldly to the Jewish people, proclaiming that Yeshua is the Messiah (Acts 17:2-3).
  3. Demonstrate Christian charity, providing for the poor, the widow, and the orphan without seeking political advantage (James 1:27).
  4. Rebuke sin and call Israel to repentance, just as the prophets did (Isaiah 58:1).
  5. Reject participation in or endorsement of military violence as a means of advancing the kingdom of God (John 18:36).
  6. Warn of the coming judgment—for the Day of the Lord draws near, and Israel’s tribulation is not yet complete (Zechariah 13:8-9).

Conclusion: Let the Church Be a True Light
Beloved brethren, do not be deceived by political expediency. Do not mistake statehood for righteousness, nor military might for divine favor. The Lord will indeed restore Israel fully—but only when they call upon the Name of Yeshua, saying:

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 23:39).

Until that day, stand firm in the truth. Love Israel enough to tell them the truth. Love them enough to warn them. Love them enough to call them to true repentance, not mere nationalistic fervor.

May the grace of our Lord Yeshua be with you all. Amen.