An Epistle to the Church in These Last Days

An Epistle to the Church in These Last Days

To the beloved brethren scattered across the nations, called by the name of Christ and sanctified by His blood, grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of truth guide you in all wisdom as the days of tribulation draw near.

A Call to Wakefulness and Understanding

It is with urgency that I write to you, for I perceive a deep and grievous lack of awareness among the body of Christ regarding the prophetic season we have entered. Many rightly sense the nearness of the Lord’s return, and yet few have undertaken the task of soberly discerning the unfolding of divine events. The world as we know it has undergone a transformation since the end of the Second World War, setting the stage for what the Scriptures have long foretold. The seals of Revelation have been opening in their appointed times, and the church must now awaken to the reality of their fulfillment.

The first seal was opened with the establishment of the Post-World War II order, a global system marked by conquest and dominion, culminating in the unipolar world following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then came the second seal, unleashing the Global War on Terror, setting nations against one another, removing peace from the earth. The third seal followed with the Great Financial Crisis, birthing economic turmoil, rising disparity, and economic slavery. And now, the fourth seal has been opened—ushering in a period of mass death, war, famine, and pestilence, though its full maturity is yet to be realized.

The Unfolding of Seal 4

Brethren, I say to you plainly: Seal 4 is open. The world has already witnessed the first waves of its judgment through the COVID-19 pandemic, but this was merely the beginning. Just as the post-war order did not reach its full expression immediately, but gradually gained strength, so too will Seal 4 culminate in devastation of an unparalleled scale. The Scriptures declare that one-fourth of mankind shall perish—this will not be a singular event but a period of global upheaval, where pestilence, war, famine, and beasts of the earth will together reap their harvest. The signs of this are already before us: the world is fracturing, great powers are realigning, and conflict looms on the horizon. The unipolar world is gone; in its place, multipolar forces rise—Russia and China are ascendant, Europe will seek its own dominion, and others will follow, leading inexorably to a world divided into ten regions. This will pave the way for the final Beast system.

Many in the Church remain either unaware, willfully ignorant, or ensnared in sensationalism. This must end. The time for idle speculation is over. A time of great tribulation is upon us, and only those who stand firm in holiness and truth will endure. The pulpits must cease from their preaching of worldly prosperity and instead call the flock to holiness, repentance, and preparation. The Church must return to her first love—Christ—and forsake the comforts of this fleeting world.

The Faithful Will Endure Until Seal 6

Many have been led astray by the false hope that they will be spared from tribulation. This is not so. The Word declares that the faithful Church will remain until Seal 6 is opened, at which time the great multitude will be caught up before the throne, rejoicing in salvation. It is only then that the seventh seal will be opened, ushering in Daniel’s 70th week—the final seven years before the full restoration of God’s Kingdom.

Seal 4 is the beginning of the great tribulation. Seal 5 will bring mass persecution and the great apostasy, as many fall away under the weight of hardship and betrayal. Seal 6 will mark the rapture of the faithful, the great sign in the heavens, and the unveiling of the Day of the Lord. And Seal 7 will mark the beginning of divine judgment, the blowing of the trumpets, and the final outpouring of wrath upon the unrepentant.

A Final Exhortation

Beloved, prepare yourselves. These things are not far off; they are even at the door. Let not your hearts be troubled, for though darkness falls upon the world, our inheritance is near. This is a time of testing, a time when the sheep will be separated from the goats. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. Love one another, as Christ has loved us. Set your mind on things above, not on the passing vanities of this age.

I urge you: Seek God with all diligence. Lay aside every distraction. Forsake sin and embrace holiness. Strengthen one another, for we shall soon see times of great hardship. But we do not fear, for our hope is in the Lord.

Even now, the four horsemen ride. Even now, the great convergence begins. Even now, the warnings come to pass. If you doubt, search the Scriptures. If you are unsure, pray. If you are weary, stand firm. For behold, the King comes soon.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
