An Oracle Concerning the Maturation of the Fourth Seal

Thus says the Sovereign Lord, the One who rides upon the heavens and judges the nations:
The fourth seal nears its fullness, and the pale horse rides through the earth. Death follows close behind, and Hades gathers the unrepentant in its grasp. Plagues shall multiply death; famine shall tighten its noose; the sword shall divide homes and kingdoms with never seen before violence; and the beasts of the earth shall kill with unchecked fury through disease. Yet this is but the labor of travail, for the Day of the Lord approaches swiftly.
People of God, hear the call to consecration. The time of complacency has passed, for Seal 5 lies at the threshold, when the blood of the faithful shall stain the earth. Many will cry, "How long, O Lord?" as persecution and martyrdom arise like a flood. Seal 6 will follow in its wake, shaking the heavens and the earth, for the sun shall turn black, the moon to blood, and the stars shall fall. The kings and mighty ones will hide in caves, crying for the mountains to cover them from the wrath of the Lamb.
Thus, I say to you, prepare yourselves. Consecrate your hearts, for the Holy One calls His remnant to stand. Put away the idols that defile you and turn from the secret sins that chain you. Fast, pray, and clothe yourselves in righteousness, for the Bridegroom is at the door, and the midnight cry is near.
To the watchmen: remain steadfast upon the walls. Sound the trumpet of warning, for the Lord shall hold you accountable for every soul who perishes unwarned. To the shepherds: feed the flock with the bread of truth, for many shall be tempted by the delusions of the Beast. To the saints: walk in holiness, for the Spirit of glory rests upon you, and you are the lampstands of this darkened age.
Do not fear the days ahead, for the Lord your God is your refuge. The blood of the Lamb covers you, and the power of His resurrection strengthens you. Though Seal 4 matures and the pale horse spreads its shadow, you are not of those who shrink back. Rather, you are the children of promise, destined to inherit the kingdom that cannot be shaken.
Behold, the Lord speaks:
"I will purify My people as gold refined by fire. I will uphold you in the furnace of affliction and preserve you for My glory. Stand firm, for I am with you. Proclaim My truth and endure to the end, for great shall be your reward in heaven."
The days are urgent; the call is clear. Consecrate yourselves, for the seals are opening, and the time of the end is at hand. Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Amen.