Chapter 1: Foundational Framework for Biblical Pattern Recognition in Modern System Development
1.1 Introduction
Throughout history, the books of Daniel and Revelation have intrigued scholars and believers alike with their apocalyptic imagery
Thus says the Lord Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the One who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty:
Behold, I am He who holds the mysteries of
An Epistle Concerning the Mysteries of God
To all who are beloved of God, called according to His eternal purpose, seeking to understand the depths of His wisdom and the riches of His
An Epistle on the Testimony of the Two Witnesses: Their Heavenly Origin and Earthly Mission
To those who seek understanding and faith in the days of tribulation, may the wisdom of God and
An Epistle Concerning the Two Witnesses: Michael and Gabriel, Testifiers of the Last Week
To those who seek the truth and salvation during the days of Daniel’s last week, grace and peace