Letter to the global church #1

To the Global Church, the Body of Christ, scattered across nations yet united in spirit,
Grace, peace, and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. I write to you with urgency and affection, knowing the hour is late and the fullness of Seal 4 draws near. These are days that demand both spiritual vigilance and practical wisdom, for the challenges ahead will test the faith, resolve, and unity of the Church. Yet, in the midst of these trials, we have the assurance of our King, who is faithful to sustain us until the day of His appearing.
1. Practical Preparation for the Fullness of Seal 4
The opening of Seal 4 heralds death, famine, pestilence, and widespread devastation. It is a time when systems that sustain human life will falter, and the resilience of the saints will be tested. The Scriptures reveal that 25% of the global population will perish during this time. Consider this: when one in four people you know dies, it will be impossible to ignore. Let this be a sign to you when it happens; but more importantly—you have been warned. Enhance your vigilance and prepare wisely:
- Simplify Your Lives: Let go of unnecessary attachments to material wealth and earthly comforts. Live simply, stewarding resources with care and sharing with those in need.
- Store Wisely: Without succumbing to fear, consider storing essentials such as canned food, bottled water, and basic medical supplies. These provisions may serve not only your household but also others in need. Maintain clinical level sanitation if you can within your home.
- Cultivate Self-Sufficiency: Learn skills such as gardening, basic medicine, and other trades that may become invaluable in times of scarcity. Keep basic livestock; if you live in a city and can't do this; move to the countryside--find work that enables you to leave large cities for low density rural areas.
- Develop Networks of Support: Build relationships within your local church and community. Establish systems of mutual aid where resources and skills can be shared.
- Maintain Significant Savings: Keep a substantial portion of your savings in physical forms of money, such as gold coins. A drop in population of 25% will totally devastate the global economy. Be financially ready.
- Heighten Vigilance: Whatever you did to keep safe during the COVID-19 pandemic should be treated as the bare minimum. Prepare spiritually, mentally, and practically for what is to come.
2. Building Spiritual Strength and Community
As the challenges of Seal 4 intensify, the Church must draw deeply from the wellspring of God’s Spirit and stand as a beacon of hope:
- Strengthen Your Faith: Immerse yourselves in the Word of God, for it is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Memorize Scripture that strengthens your heart and reminds you of God’s promises.
- Commit to Prayer and Fasting: Seek the Lord with fervor, asking for His strength, guidance, and provision. Fasting disciplines the body and aligns the spirit with God’s purposes.
- Invest in Fellowship: Meet regularly with fellow believers to worship, encourage, and exhort one another. In isolation, the enemy finds opportunities, but in unity, the Church stands firm.
- Serve One Another: Let love be your hallmark. Serve the weak, the poor, and the suffering with the compassion of Christ. By this, the world will know you are His disciples.
3. Embracing the Nature of Coming Challenges
Persecution, deprivation, and loss will mark this season. It is imperative that the Church accepts these realities, not with despair, but with the understanding that our Lord has forewarned us.
- Prepare Mentally and Spiritually: Recognize that suffering for Christ is part of our calling. Rejoice that we are counted worthy to share in His sufferings (Philippians 1:29).
- Encourage One Another: As persecution arises, remind each other of the joy set before us and the glory that will be revealed in us.
- Stand Firm: Do not shrink back in fear or compromise the truth. Proclaim the gospel boldly, knowing that our labor in the Lord is not in vain.
4. Refining the Church and Bearing Witness to the Light
This is a season of purification. The trials to come are not meaningless but are allowed by God to refine His Bride, preparing her for His return. Accept this refining process with humility.
- Embrace Refinement: God’s discipline, though painful, produces a harvest of righteousness and peace (Hebrews 12:11). Submit to His shaping hand.
- Be a Witness: In darkness, let your light shine brightly. Offer hope to the hopeless, comfort to the grieving, and truth to the lost.
- Proclaim Christ: Let the gospel be on your lips and the love of Christ in your actions, that many may come to know Him even in these perilous times.
5. Casting Aside Greed, Immorality, and Sin
Beloved, judgment begins with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). The Church cannot stand as a witness to the world while harboring sin within.
- Renounce Greed: Lay aside the pursuit of wealth and power. Let the leaders among you shepherd God’s flock willingly and eagerly, not for dishonest gain (1 Peter 5:2).
- Pursue Purity: Flee from sexual immorality and all forms of impurity. Honor God with your bodies, for you were bought with a price.
- Repent of Sin: Examine your hearts and repent of all that grieves the Spirit of God. Seek forgiveness and walk in righteousness.
- Call the Church to Holiness: Leaders, call your congregations to repentance and renewal. Let the Church be a holy vessel, set apart for the glory of God.
Finally, brothers and sisters, take heart. Though Seal 4 brings hardship, it is not the end. These trials prepare the way for the coming of our Lord and the establishment of His Kingdom.
“Behold, I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.” (Revelation 3:11)
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
In Christ,
A Fellow Servant--The Watchman