My Burden

My Burden

An Epistle on the Watchman’s Burden

To the brethren scattered throughout the earth, called to holiness and endurance in these final days, grace and peace be multiplied to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation enlighten your hearts to discern the times and prepare accordingly.

The Call of the Watchman

I write these epistles and essays not as a pursuit of idle speculation, nor as a seeker of signs without substance, but as one who has been burdened with the weight of knowledge, compelled to warn the people of God in accordance with the charge given to the watchmen of old. The call of the watchman is neither light nor optional; it is the solemn responsibility of one who has seen, through the lens of prophecy, the approaching storm and is bound by duty to cry aloud and spare not.

The convergence of prophetic timelines is undeniable, and the evidence is clear to any who would seek truth with an open heart. The seals have been opening in sequence, each marking an epochal shift in the world order since the end of the Second World War. The world has transitioned through Seal 1, with the emergence of the Post-War global framework; Seal 2, with the rise of the Global War on Terror; and Seal 3, with the economic collapse and systemic financial instability that began with the Great Financial Crisis. Now, Seal 4 has opened—unleashing a season of accelerating death, sickness, famine, and war, whose full maturity is yet to manifest but draws ever nearer. These are not mere fluctuations of history but the fulfillment of the ordained sequence of events leading to the Day of the Lord.

The Motivation: A Call to Sobriety and Preparation

The urgency to write arises from the tragic reality that the Church at large remains asleep, lulled into complacency by a false sense of security and misplaced eschatology. Many have embraced a doctrine that assures them of escape before tribulation, failing to see that we are already within it. Others, sensing the lateness of the hour, turn instead to sensationalism and wild conjectures rather than disciplined, biblical analysis. Few have traced the unfolding of the seals with a sober mind, connecting the geopolitical, economic, and spiritual shifts to the prophetic framework given in Revelation, Daniel, and the Olivet Discourse.

As Seal 4 moves toward its full manifestation, bringing unparalleled death upon the earth, the consequences will be dire. The persecution of the faithful under Seal 5 will follow naturally, as an anguished and godless world, unable to endure suffering, turns its rage upon those who hold to the truth. This will not be a distant possibility—it is an imminent certainty. Many will fall away, deceived by the coming global deception, while others will seal their testimony with their own blood. Yet amid this, a remnant will stand firm, awaiting the rapture at Seal 6, when the great cosmic sign will mark the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

The Urgency: A Short Window Remains

I write because the window for preparation is rapidly closing. Seal 4 is maturing, and its full force will soon manifest. The shifting world order—moving from unipolarity to multipolar chaos—is paving the way for the ten-kingdom system of the Beast. Economic collapse is looming, and with it will come the conditions for famine, pestilence, and violence of a scale unseen. The geopolitical stage is aligning for the wars that will redefine the balance of power, setting the stage for the Antichrist’s rise.

Beyond this, I write because I see the erosion of the faith in many. The world is conditioning the Church for compromise. A counterfeit unity, a deceptive peace, and an engineered crisis will bring many to bend the knee to a false order. If we are not anchored now, if we do not prepare now, the trials to come will be unbearable for those unrooted in Christ.

The Watchman’s Plea: Repent and Be Sober

To those who hear, I say: Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. This is not a call to panic but to sober preparation. The Church must forsake the empty promises of prosperity and return to the message of the cross. The time for diluted sermons and worldly distractions is over. Christ calls His own to holiness, endurance, and unwavering faith.

Let no one say they were not warned. The seals are open, the birth pains are evident, and the horsemen ride even now. If you doubt, seek the Scriptures and pray, for the Spirit will confirm all things to those who seek in truth. The day is at hand, and the Lord will come soon.

I know it may appear as though I myself am a sensationalist. However, publishing this website and its content has not come easy. I have doubted myself every step of the way. Unsure of myself because everything pointed to an imminent end to this age. However I have read, and re-read and then re-read the scriptures, I have tested what the revelation I was given for months. I have prayed and prayed, and fasted, and prayed. The word is clear, the Lord has been clear with me. As such I will be as so bold as to say that the 2027/2028 period by the Gregorian calendar should see Daniel's last week start; with seal 6 being opened during that time--and seal 4 and 5 maturing prior. This makes 2025 an epochal moment. We can see the changes already taking place at the global stage--and with great speed. I only boldly declare this now because I am convicted to do so; and encouraged by what the Apostle Paul said:

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith.” Romans 12:6

And so--in faith and at the leading of the Holy Spirit, I tell the Church this; starting this year seal 4's maturity shall intensify with haste; within the next 2 years the world will see unparalleled death from disease, war, famine and wild animals. The consequence of this will be persecution, leading many to martyrdom--and the rest to be hated across the world on account of the Name of the Lord. After these things, but by 2027/2028--seal 6 will be broken; and I believe that the last trump shall be heard on Rosh Hoshannah. I neither know the date, or the hour--but the Lord will fulfil this as surely as he died to fulfil the feast of the Passover.

The time of dithering has come to a close. Choose for yourself--Christ or the world. I urge you to choose Christ Jesus.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
