Oracle to Europe

Oracle to Europe

Thus says YHWH:


You have gotten used to your security. You have gotten used to having your way. Your offspring have spread across the earth and conquered faraway places. North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand--are these not your children? Russia straddles cultures and places; and for this she is excluded from you yet still of you.

You and your offspring rule the earth through your alliances and power structures. Where many powers previously were--you have created a new sovereignty. The Europe Union; what an abomination.

LISTEN TO ME; you are are of Japheth--you claim to be wise but are fools. You claim to rule but I will bring you to nothing. But before then I will allow you to wax strong. I will allow you to make your covenants. I will allow you to lead among the earth. You will build something new; an order as yet unexpected by the nations.

But hear me--I allow this only so you can make ripe the harvest. At the point the sickle will be raised, and the harvest received. Know that I will allow you to face the judgement you deserve for this.

You and your leaders know what you scheme in secret. Know that nothing is hidden from me; I know what you plot; and I know all of you by name. Your secret meetings are not hidden from me. I will destroy all of you. My Messiah will come to the earth and make you his foot-stool.

The Almighty is my name; I always am--even at the end of the age I am there.

Nothing is hidden from me; I know all of you who plot. The second death burns hot for you--unless you repent.

Man of sin--know this; you are known and your judgement is sure.