Oracle against the Dragon

An Oracle Against the Dragon, His Angels, the Beast, and the False Prophet
Thus says the Lord God, the Almighty One, who was, and is, and is to come:
Woe to you, O Dragon, ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan!
You who deceive the nations, who led a rebellion in the heavens and brought chaos to the earth—
Your time is short, and your doom is certain.
Once adorned with splendor, the guardian cherub upon the holy mountain,
You lifted your heart in pride and said, "I will ascend above the stars of God;
I will set my throne on high; I will make myself like the Most High."
But behold, you are cast down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit.
O you who ravage the nations and tread them underfoot,
Your lies have reached their fullness, and your deception shall end.
The heavens shall shake, and the earth shall tremble,
For the King of kings and Lord of lords comes swiftly with recompense in His hand.
Your throne of darkness shall be overturned;
Your dominion shattered like a vessel of clay.
To the Beast, the scarlet-clad pretender who ascends from the abyss:
You who receive power from the Dragon to make war on the saints,
Who boast in your strength and blaspheme the Name above all names—
The Lord has numbered your days and declared your destruction.
The kingdom you have forged in rebellion shall burn with unquenchable fire.
Your great city, the harlot clothed in purple and scarlet,
Shall be consumed in one hour, laid waste by the ten kings who serve you no more.
The cup of wrath is poured out, and you shall drink it to the dregs.
The Lamb who was slain but lives forevermore shall overcome you,
For He is Lord of lords and King of kings,
And those with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.
To the False Prophet, the deceiver who performs signs and wonders:
You who lead the world astray and compel all to worship the Beast,
Your lies are unmasked, and your works laid bare.
You speak like a lamb but have the voice of the Dragon;
Your enchantments are broken, and your power vanishes like smoke.
You who mark men’s hands and foreheads with the seal of perdition—
Behold, the Lord shall mark you with shame and everlasting contempt.
The fire prepared for the Dragon and his angels awaits you,
And there you shall share in their torment, day and night, forever and ever.
To the Dragon and his host, the Beast and the False Prophet:
The Rider on the white horse comes, faithful and true,
With eyes like flames of fire and many crowns upon His head.
Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, and with it, He will strike the nations.
The armies of heaven follow Him, clothed in fine linen, white and pure.
He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.
The beast and the kings of the earth with their armies will gather to make war,
But their power is nothing before Him who sits on the throne.
The Beast and the False Prophet are seized,
And they are thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
The Dragon is bound with chains and cast into the Abyss,
That he should deceive the nations no more until the thousand years are ended.
Hear the decree of the Lord Most High:
The heavens and the earth shall rejoice at your downfall.
The righteous shall behold your ruin and say,
"How you are fallen, O enemy of God! How you are cast down, O destroyer of the earth!"
Salvation, and glory, and power belong to our God,
For His judgments are true and just.
The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ,
And He shall reign forever and ever.
Amen and amen.