Oracle to Israel; #1

Oracle to Israel; #1

Oracle to Israel: The Coming of Jacob’s Trouble

Thus declares the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob:

Hear, O Israel!
The day of the Lord approaches, swift and certain, and the time of Jacob’s trouble is near. I, the Lord, in My sovereign will, have gathered you from the ends of the earth, bringing you back to the land of your fathers. I fulfilled My promise to scatter you, and now I have fulfilled My promise to gather you. Yet you have not returned to Me, your God.

You dwell in the land I gave to your forefathers, but your hearts are far from Me. You have relied on the support of nations and their wealth; you have shed blood and made covenants with the powers of this world. The land called by My name has become a nation of rebellion, secular and unholy. You reject My Messiah, the Holy One I sent to redeem you. You trample My covenant underfoot and embrace what is abominable in My sight. Have you not legislated that which I call sin? Have you not celebrated what I call abomination?

Behold, I have allowed your success; I have let you flourish, but know this: like a lamb fattened for the slaughter, so shall you be led to your breaking. Those whom you trusted—the nations, the alliances, the wealth of the world—will abandon you. Those you called friends will turn against you and betray you. The covenant you made with the nations will be nullified, and My judgment will come upon you.

The blood of the prophets cries out against you, O Jerusalem, and the blood of My saints whom you have slain rises before Me. I will repay, and your house will be left desolate, as Zechariah and Daniel have foretold. You will be broken completely, humbled and laid bare before all nations.

Yet hear this, O Israel: though you are judged, you are not forsaken. In your breaking, you will cry out, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" And I will come to you. Yes, I, the Lord Jesus, will descend from heaven with My holy ones and the armies of heaven. I will fight for you against the nations that gather to destroy you. My feet will touch the Mount of Olives, and it shall split in two. A valley of deliverance will open, and I will redeem you.

Behold, I am coming! Every eye shall see Me, even those who pierced Me, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. The day of the Lord will reveal My glory, and the nations will know that I am YHWH, the Lord of Hosts, the Holy One of Israel.

Thus says the Lord:
Repent, O Israel! Turn from your wickedness, and I will receive you. Soon I will send My two witnesses to you; hear them! They will speak My word and declare My judgment. Gather unto Me My 144,000, the first fruits of My harvest, that I may call you My own.

Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me. Let all the earth tremble before the Lord! Let every knee bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Amen and Amen.