Oracle to the Islamic World

Thus says the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth, the One who formed the nations and set their boundaries:
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. All authority belongs to Me, and I have declared the end from the beginning. Hear now, O peoples of the Islamic world, and incline your hearts to wisdom.
I have watched as you have sought to honor Me, yet your zeal is not according to knowledge. You proclaim My greatness, yet you deny the One I have sent—My Son, whom I have made both Lord and Christ. He is the Word, eternal and uncreated, who took on flesh to dwell among you. By His stripes, healing flows; by His blood, redemption is secured.
I did not send Muhammad as a Prophet. If I sent him, he would have known my name--behold of your 99 names for God--mine is not among them. He was not foretold by any of my Holy Prophets. The words he gave you were corruptions. His inspiration was from the Dragon--and not me. Anyone who denies that my Son, the Word came into the world--died and rose up to glory--that one is Anti-Christ. My face was against Muhammad, and my Word stands against your doctrine. You seek me but do not find me for you choose a false way. You worship in vain. You prostrate to what you don't know. All the righteousness you try to earn is filth before me--kiss the Son, and you will know life. Choose your current path--and you will join your dead in sheol; you will not taste paradise.
The time of reckoning draws near. The nations rage, and the kings of the earth take counsel together against Me and My Anointed. A great deception approaches, clothed in the garb of truth but full of lies. Behold, the one you expect as savior—the Mahdi—will rise in power, but he is not from Me. He comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, claiming peace but bringing destruction. He exalts himself as a god and compels all to worship him, but his throne is built on deceit.
Do not be deceived by the signs and wonders performed in his name. Do not follow Isa, who comes to enforce his rule, for this Isa is not My servant but a false prophet who leads many astray. He will call you to worship the Dragon, Satan himself, under the guise of submission. Know this: the true Christ, the Lamb who was slain, has overcome the Dragon and the Beast, and His kingdom shall have no end.
Consider the testimony of your prophets and scriptures. Have I not declared through My servant Isaiah that a virgin would conceive and bear a son, who would be called Immanuel? Have I not spoken through the psalms that My Son would be seated at My right hand until His enemies are made His footstool? Search the words you have received and see that they point to Jesus, whom you call Isa, not as a mere prophet but as the Redeemer and Lord.
Turn to Me with all your hearts, O nations of the crescent. Forsake the lies of the deceiver, for his end is near, and all who follow him shall share in his destruction. My hand is stretched out still, offering salvation to all who call upon My name. Blessed are those who humble themselves and seek the truth, for they shall find it and be set free.
Jerusalem shall be the testing ground of nations, a cup of trembling for all who oppose My purposes. The covenant of peace you seek is no peace, for it paves the way for the abomination of desolation. But My Word shall not return void, and My purposes for Zion will be fulfilled. The King of kings is coming, and every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Come now, O peoples of Islam, and enter the shelter of the Almighty. The blood of My Lamb is sufficient for all who repent. The time is short. Choose this day whom you will serve. Blessed are those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, for they shall have the right to the tree of life and shall enter the city by its gates.
Behold, I am coming quickly. Repent and believe the gospel, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Amen.