Greetings, beloved of the Lord,
Grace and peace be with you from the One who was, is and is coming;
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, as depicted in Revelation 19, Zechariah 12,
Greetings, beloved of the Lord; grace and peace to you in the name of our God,
The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation form a complex tapestry of eschatological insights that point to the
The Second Half of Daniel's Week: The Triumph of Mystery Babylon and Her Ultimate Fall
Grace and Peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
To the church of
The first 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week constitute a pivotal period in eschatological prophecy, marked by the ministry of the two witnesses, the unveiling of key symbolic narratives in Revelation,
Greetings, beloved of the Lord
Daniel’s 70th week, as prophesied in Daniel 9:24-27, represents the climactic period of human history, culminating in the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of