Prudent Preparation

An Epistle on Preparing for the Maturity of Seal 4
To the brethren who seek wisdom and discernment in these perilous days, grace and peace be multiplied to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of God guide us into all truth as we prepare for the unfolding of Seal 4 in its fullness.
A Burden Heavy Upon My Heart
As I have previously spoken, my burden regarding the coming season is heavy. Even I, who have spent much time watching, analyzing, and praying, find myself inadequately prepared for the scale of the tribulation that is rapidly approaching. Yet I write this not as one who has already perfected his course, but as one who strives forward in wisdom and obedience, sharing my plans so that others may also take heed and act accordingly, God willing.
Financial and Economic Preparations
One of the most immediate concerns is the instability of the global economic system. I fully expect significant disruption, leading to supply chain breakdowns, famine, and healthcare crises. Therefore, I intend to transition the majority of my liquid financial resources into gold, prioritizing small units—coins being preferable. These will be securely vaulted to serve as a financial buffer during economic collapse.
Food and Water Security
As famine will soon accompany the collapse of supply chains, I will prepare by purchasing various kinds of seeds—potato, vegetables, sweet corn—focusing on high-yield crops that provide essential carbohydrate and vegetable nutrition. This will be supplemented with small livestock and fish, kept in ponds where possible, ensuring a renewable food source. For those unable to farm extensively, even small-scale backyard gardening can serve as a safeguard.
Medical and Energy Considerations
Emergency medical supplies will be stocked, ensuring access to essential medications with long shelf lives. Alongside this, I will acquire emergency spare parts for vehicles and generators, as well as a secure ration of fuels for critical use. Energy security will be paramount, and those who can obtain alternative sources such as solar panels, wood-burning stoves, or additional stored fuels should do so wisely.
Guidance for Others in the Body of Christ
Not all will have the same resources or opportunities, but I urge those who are able to consider the following:
- Seek employment that allows for remote work, reducing dependence on urban infrastructure.
- Relocate, if possible, to rural areas with ample farming space and lower population density, reducing exposure to disease outbreaks.
- Secure storage for essential goods—either through a barn or a rented space nearby to avoid long transportation risks.
- Position yourself near a faithful Church, ensuring you have a spiritual and practical support community.
- Download godly entertainment for your children and purchase books to sustain intellectual and spiritual well-being.
- Develop practical skills and become accustomed to working with your hands, for self-sufficiency will be crucial in the coming season.
Above all, let no action be done in fear, but in faith and preparation. Fear cripples, but wisdom preserves. The cities will be perilous places—dens of chaos, economic ruin, disease, and social unrest. I strongly advise those who can to leave major metropolitan centers and seek rural stability. Those with the ability to relocate to rural Africa may find refuge in areas with strong Christian communities and lower geopolitical risk. However, even in such places, avoid population centers that will become hubs for disease and scarcity.
A Final Exhortation
The days ahead will test the endurance of the saints, but do not lose heart. Our Lord has promised never to leave nor forsake us. This is not a time to despair but to prepare with diligence and sobriety. Hold fast to the Word of God, commit yourselves to prayer, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every decision. As the storm approaches, we must stand firm, knowing that our redemption draws near.
I pray that this guidance serves as a help to you all. May the Lord strengthen our hands for the work ahead, and may we be found faithful in the day of testing.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus.