The Oracle of YHWH: The Eternal One Speaks

The Oracle of YHWH: The Eternal One Speaks

Thus says YHWH, the Eternal One, the High and Holy One who inhabits eternity, whose name is holy:

"I am He who was, who is, and who is to come. Before the mountains were born, before the foundations of the world were laid, I AM. I am not bound by time, for I see the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. All things unfold before Me as a scroll, and nothing is hidden from My sight.

I alone declare what will be, for I have seen it all. I hold the stars in their courses and call them by name. Shall anything escape My knowledge, or shall the works of man confound Me? I perceive every possibility, every path, every branch of time, yet I decree what shall stand. My purposes cannot be thwarted, and My word does not return void.

I am YHWH, the Almighty. Beside Me there is no other. From eternity I have been, dwelling in perfect communion as three:

  • The Father, the source of all, who upholds all things by the word of His power.
  • The Word, My eternal image, the radiance of My glory, the exact imprint of My nature.
  • The Spirit, the breath of life, proceeding from the Father and the Son, who searches the deep things of God and makes them known.

These three are one, eternally co-existing, eternally dwelling within one another. The Word has always been toward Me, and I toward Him. Through Him, all things were made, and without Him, nothing exists. He is My voice, My power personified, and the radiance of My glory."

Thus says YHWH:

"Before the world began, I saw all that would be. Before the stars were kindled, I saw the Lamb slain for the redemption of the world. I decreed salvation before the first breath of creation, for My mercy is everlasting.

The Word is My voice, and through Him I spoke:

  • 'Let there be light,' and there was light.
  • I walked in the garden, and it was the Word who called to Adam, saying, 'Where are you?'
  • I appeared to Abraham and made covenant with him; it was the Word who spoke.
  • I led My people out of Egypt, a pillar of fire by night and cloud by day; it was the Word who went before them, for He is the Angel of YHWH, and in Him My name dwells.
  • I stood before Joshua as Commander of the armies of heaven; it was the Word who received worship, for He is My glory made visible.
  • I stretched out My hand to Jeremiah; it was the Word who touched his lips and made him My prophet.

All I have done, I have done through My Word. He is the King whom Isaiah saw, high and lifted up, whose train fills the temple. He is My power and My wisdom, and through Him, all things hold together."

Thus says YHWH:

"In the fullness of time, the Word became flesh and dwelt among you. He took on the frailty of humanity, yet He remained the fullness of deity. In Him, I walked among you. In Him, I healed the sick, raised the dead, and proclaimed the Kingdom.

By His own will and My eternal decree, He yielded His life on the cross, for this was My plan from before the foundation of the world. Through His blood, I have made peace, reconciling all things to Myself. He descended into death, yet death could not hold Him. By My Spirit, He took back His life, and now He reigns, seated at My right hand, until I make His enemies His footstool.

Behold, He is coming again. Every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him. On that day, you will know that I am YHWH, and He is YHWH. The mountains will quake, and the nations will mourn, for I will pour out upon the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on Him whom they have pierced and mourn as one mourns for an only son. I will tread the winepress of My wrath, and the blood of My enemies will stain My garments. On that day, YHWH will be one, and His name one."

Thus says YHWH:

"My Spirit testifies to the Word, and the Word testifies to Me. Through the Spirit, I spoke to the prophets; through the Spirit, I empowered My servants. The Spirit gives life, for He proceeds from Me and the Word. He bears witness, for He searches the deep things of God. None but I bear My Spirit without measure. Though prophets and angels speak by My Spirit, only I possess Him in His fullness.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Word is the fullness of deity dwelling bodily. The Spirit is My breath, and He empowers all I do. Shall anyone contend with Me? I am YHWH; I will accomplish all My purpose."

Thus says YHWH:

"My Son, My Word, took on flesh to fulfill what I decreed. He died, and He lives again. He is your hope, for He has conquered sin, death, and the grave. He is the Lamb who was slain, yet He stands victorious.

Return to Me, O children of men. Seek Me while I may be found, for I am coming soon. My Word will judge the nations and rule with a rod of iron. Blessed are those who take refuge in Him, for He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. I am YHWH, and there is no other."

The mouth of YHWH has spoken.